The Engineering & Construction sector is complex, dynamic and offers participants high risks and high rewards. The importance of having the right leadership and experience in this sector to navigate you throughout the project lifecycle cannot be overemphasized. This has become increasingly more critical in recent years due to greater project complexity coupled with stakeholder requirements for faster delivery times and cost-efficient performance. LQ Consulting and Management has the experience and know-how to handle your engineering and construction project from concept to completion, ensuring you get the most out of your investment. The LQ team works with you to find solutions that adhere to your budget and deadlines, focusing on efficiency and safety. Trust LQ Consulting and Management with your project's construction management in the Toronto area or abroad.
Talk about your engineering and construction project needs with LQ.
See projects we’ve worked on in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada, and internationally.
Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet."
— Henry Mintzberg
700 Dorval Drive, Suite 210
Oakville, ON, Canada, L6K 3V3
We Consider Safety First & Foremost
We Know People are our Greatest Strength
We are Client Focused
We Respect the Environment & Communities
We Build Value for our Clients Every Time, All of the Time
LQ Consulting and Management Inc